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land transport
We offers reliable and cost effective land transportation solutions for moving goods and materials. Our services include transportation of container cargos from the ports,…
oacen freight
As a leading provider of logistics services over the World, we have an efficient network in place to handle all your shipment requirements, be it specialized services for oversized …
air freight
For our clients who want a faster delivery of goods, we provides air transportation at cost effective rates. With our carefully selected choice of carriers, we ensure that your goods reach their…
We take pride in catering to a broad range of clientele throughout the country with our warehousing services, which is comprehensive, reliable and flexible – qualities that are …
what we do

Our Premium Services

Heavy Equipment Logistics

We provides complete logistics solutions for your heavy machinery movement

Container Freight Station

At Zero Logistic, we operate an efficient CFS facility that can handle all types of container cargos.

Multi-Modal Operations

We offer flexible multi-modal transportation for our clients who wants faster delivery of cargo, but without the high cost


Zero Logistic is one of the leading specialists in corporate as well as domestic and international relocations

W wielu związkach przychodzi czas kiedy partnerzy czują się gotowi do powiększenia rodziny i podejmują starania o dziecko. Na początku jest ekscytacja, wyczekiwanie i nadzieja, ale coraz częściej w społeczeństwie spotykamy się z sytuacją kiedy mija kolejny miesiąc i na teście wciąż widnieje jedna kreska. Wtedy najczęściej zaczyna się etap specjalistycznych badań, pojawia się smutek, pytania „co jest ze mną nie tak, a może z partnerem, partnerką?”. To trudny czas, który może powodować wiele napięć między partnerami.

Każdy z nas doświadcza w swoim życiu różnych emocji. Może to być tylko odczucie w ciele, może nazywamy to jedynie wrażeniem, obserwujemy kogoś kto płacze lub śmieje się jak szalony, a w myślach najczęściej towarzyszą nam różne oceny tych sytuacji niestety zwykle bardzo krzywdzące dla nas samych…

About us

Zero Logistics is amongst the renowned global cargo service providers headquartered at NewYork, USA.
We offer a broad portfolio of services including Air Freight Services, Roadways Cargo Services, Sea Cargo Services, air freight logistics, Customs Clearance Services, Port Handling Services, Warehousing Services, etc.

Why choose us ?

With over 60 years of providing world class service to their customers on the asset side, a need to provide a one stop shop for a” true customer service logistic solution” was introduced. By adding this dimension to an already dynamic and customer centric asset based provider, we feel we bring a total solution.

With over 60 years of providing world class service to their customers on the asset side, a need to provide a one stop shop for a” true customer service logistic solution” was introduced. By adding this dimension to an already dynamic and customer centric asset based provider, we feel we bring a total solution.

With over 60 years of providing world class service to their customers on the asset side, a need to provide a one stop shop for a” true customer service logistic solution” was introduced. By adding this dimension to an already dynamic and customer centric asset based provider, we feel we bring a total solution.

With over 60 years of providing world class service to their customers on the asset side, a need to provide a one stop shop for a” true customer service logistic solution” was introduced. By adding this dimension to an already dynamic and customer centric asset based provider, we feel we bring a total solution.

our partners

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