Our Premium Services
About The Studio
Zero Jewelers was established in 1884. In the years since, 3 generations of Zero’s repaired and sold jewelry, bicycles and typewriters. Today Zero Jewelers is still family owned and operated by Zero Group.
Zero Jewelers is a full service jewelry store. We carry unique jewelry pieces which our customers have come to love. We have 2 jewelers on premise to help with your jewelry repair needs or custom design needs.
We pride ourselves on our relaxed and friendly atmoshere. Come in and meet us and our staff. We would love to help you with all your jewelry needs
Gold & Estate Buying
Jewelry Repairs
Watch Repairs
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123 Third Street Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York, USA
T + 844 123 456 78 90
F + 844 123 456 78 90
E contact@company.com